Open Solicitations
All applications must be submitted in English
- Notice F0 (RFA #2021-055) | Reference implementation of the World Health Organization (WHO) Antenatal Care Digital Adaption Kit Download English version |version en Français
- Notice F1 (RFA #2021-056) | Implementation of the WHO digital documentation of COVID-19 certificates: vaccination status (DDCC:VS) technical specifications Download English version |version en Français
- Notice F2 (RFA #2021-057) | Shelf readiness with a focus on building local capacity and new teams Download English version |version en Français
Responses to Fact-Finding Questions [1]
An up-to-date list of open solicitations from Digital Square can also be found on our Solicitation Page.
Closed Solicitations
Previous solicitations are listed below:
- Notice F0 (RFA #2021-055) | Reference implementation of the World Health Organization (WHO) Antenatal Care Digital Adaption Kit (Français)
- Modification #1: English | Français
- Q&A #1 - November 15, 2021 English Transcript
- Modification #1: English | Français
- Notice F1 (RFA #2021-056) | Implementation of the WHO digital documentation of COVID-19 certificates: vaccination status (DDCC:VS) technical specifications (Français)
- Notice F2 (RFA #2021-057) | Shelf readiness with a focus on building local capacity and new teams (Français)
- RFA #2021-013 | Decision Support Systems Challenge: Improving Last Mile Access to Contraceptives and Other Essential Health Commodities
- Q&A - April 27, 2021: Transcript | Slide deck
- RFA #2020-060 | Digital Health Applied Leadership Program (DHALP)
- RFA #2020-053 | Telecommunications Partner to support health workers in Guinea (Français)
- Modification #1: English | Français
- Q&As
- Q&A - October 12, 2020: English Transcript | French Transcript | Recording
- RFA #2020-036 | OpenHIE COVID-19 Standards & Data Exchange
- Q&As:
- Q&A #1 - July 7, 2020 Transcript
- Q&A #2 - August 18, 2020 Transcript | Slide deck
- Q&A #3 - September 29, 2020 Transcript
- Q&As:
- RFA #2020-048 | Vietnam Health Information Systems for HIV
- RFA #2020-046 | Facility Registries
- RFA #2020-040 | DATIM External Systems Support
- Notice E0 (RFA #2020-018) | Phase 1 Shelf Readiness
- Notice E1 (RFA #2020-019) | Client Registries
- RFA #2020-034 | Virtual Learning for Digital Health
- Q&As: Fact Finding Q&A
- RFA #2020-033 | Digital Community Health
- Q&As: Fact Finding Q&A
- RFA #2020-032 | Open Concept Lab Metadata Registry
- Q&As: Fact Finding Q&A
- RFA #2020-026 | Tanzania Health Information Mediator
- RFA #2020-029 | DATIM DHIS2 Backend Development
- Q&As: Fact Finding Q&A
- RFA #2020-027 | Open Concept Lab Metadata Registry
- Q&As: Fact Finding Q&As
- RFI #2020-024 | Facility Registry
- RFA #2020-020 | Developing revenue generation models and providing technical support for the East African Health Cloud (EAHC)
- RFA #2020-011 | Community Health Community of Practice
- Modifications: Modification #1
- Q&As: Q&A
- RFA #2020-005 DATIM and Maturity Model Support
- Modifications: Modification #1
- Q&As: Fact Finding Q&A
- RFA #2019-036 Market Analytics to Inform Global Digital Goods
- Modifications: Modification #1
- Q&As: January 7, 2020 Q&A Call Transcript from the January 7, 2020 Call
- RFP 2019-015: Technical Vision for InfoHubs and Connectivity Decision Support Tool (Closed August 2, 2019)
- Modifications Modification #1 Modification #2
- RFI: Digital Financial Services on Health Outcomes and Health System (Closed July 26, 2019)
- RFI: Potential Use of Automated Decision Support Systems to Improve Supply Chain Performance (Closed February 18, 2019)
- RFA 2019-002 Modification 1: DATIM Data Exchange and Interoperability (Closed February 8, 2019)
- RFA 2019-002: DATIM Data Exchange and Interoperability (Closed February 8, 2019)
- RFA 2019-001: DHIS2 Core and DATIM Support (Closed February 8, 2019)
- RFA 2018-048: Development of Cloud-Based System for the Data Collection and Analysis of Supply Chain Data (Closed January 24, 2019)
- RFA 2018-036: Digital Health Curriculum Development (Closed September 19, 2018)
- RFA 2018-026: NOTICE C0 â Open Call for Global Goods (Closed September 18, 2018)
- RFA 2018-027: NOTICE C1 â Modular Transformation of OpenIMIS (Closed September 18, 2018)
- Notice B Announcement (Closed March 23, 2018)
- Notice A (Closed August 25, 2017)