
Open Solicitations

An up-to-date list of open solicitations from Digital Square can also be found on our Solicitation Page.

RFA #2020-053 | Telecommunications Partner to support health workers in Guinea

Applications due October 23, 2020 at 23:59 GMT (4:59pm PT) | Applications MUST be submitted in English

Through this RFA, Digital Square seeks partnership with a subrecipient that can work in close partnership with the Ministry of Health (MoH), GOG e-Government Agency, Agence Nationale de la Gouvernance électronique et de l’informatisation de l’Etat (ANGEIE), and USAID Guinea to develop a digital health telecommunications package (SMS, voice calls, internet) to exchange information on health services, good health practices and standards, disease outbreaks, public service announcements for health, and provide referral and alerts.

Closed Solicitations

Previous solicitations are listed below: