Digital Square Investments in Global Goods:Approved Global Goods

What are Approved Global Goods?

Through Digital Square Procurement Processes such as the Open Application Process, Global Goods are reviewed by the Peer Review Committee. The Peer Review Committee reviews applications according to the Prioritization Framework, notice scope of work technical requirements and evaluates applications as green-, amber-, or red-lit per the Peer Review Committee Membership Policy. Green-lit applications are recommended for funding immediately; amber-lit applications are recommended for future funding or further exploration; red-lit applications do not fully meet the selection standards/criteria.

A green-lit application meets all criteria for investment through the relevant Notice. The application demonstrates a global good that aligns with country priorities, can adapt to different countries and contexts, and will scale easily across countries.

Digital Square compiles the evaluation provided by the Peer Review Committee by clustering the applications according to the Prioritization Framework for Board review. Digital Square presents the applications, high-level budget summary, Peer Review Committee feedback within the Prioritization Framework, and Digital Square recommendation to the Board.

These applications then receive one of three statuses from the Digital Square Board:

  • Approved - Fully Funded;
  • Approved - Partially Funded;
  • Approved - Contingent on Funding.

Applications that are Approved - Partially Funded or Approved - Contingent on Funding are included in the Digital Square global goods community, including webinars, the Digital Square Basket of Services, and continual funding raising efforts. A list of the global goods that are Approved - Partially Funded or Approved - Contingent Funding can be found below.

Digital Square continues to work closely with a diverse portfolio of investors, advocating for further investments in global goods. We are accelerating and scaling our efforts to expand resource mobilization for global goods and global digital health investments.

Based on feedback from the community, we are improving transparency about which proposals are approved but not yet funded, or are partially funded. Digital Square is working with partners and investors to draw visibility to the approved global good applications, which are currently seeking partial or full funding.

What is Digital Square doing to seek funding for approved proposals?

Digital Square continues to work closely with a diverse portfolio of investors, advocating for further investments in global goods. We are accelerating and scaling our efforts to expand resource mobilization for global goods and global digital health investments.

Based on feedback from the community, we are improving transparency about which proposals are approved but not yet funded, or are partially funded. Our updated wiki includes a high-level overview of approved applications so that donors may easily find approved applications. Digital Square is working with partners and investors to draw visibility to the approved global good applications, which are currently seeking partial or full funding.

List of Global Goods projects that are Approved - Contingent on Funding

Child Growth Monitor

  • Child Growth Monitor - A game-changing app to detect malnutrition: This investment will go towards establishing an expanded team; continual IT development; field tests in two additional contexts (2019-02) in order to adapt CGM for children of other ethnicities; integrating the CGM in nutrition studies (beginning 2019-03); preparing three pilot projects for managing acute undernutrition (by 2019-03); pilot projects (beginning 2019-04) with approximately 100,000 children; integrating CGM: (a) at ACF India; (b) with the state actor Integrated -Child -Development Services (ICDS) in the Indian Madhya Pradesh; (c) with the nutrition programme in refugee camps with regard to emergency aid. Amount of unfunded activities: $250,000


  • Strengthening and Expanding HEARTH open source tool and community: This investment will go towards further developing HEARTH, improved accessibility to the growing number of implementers in Africa and other low-resource countries, and grow the community of practice to ensure that HEARTH effectively addresses real world challenges and is more sustainable in the long term. Amount of unfunded activities: $359,798


  • Scaling health worker capacity at the last mile of low-resource supply chains through self-learning and community support on mobile phones: Logistimo is an open-source supply chain management platform with a hosted service that enables optimal management of inventory and last-mile delivery in low-resource supply chains by leveraging mobile phones and cloud computing. Proposal to enable a scalable model for ongoing capacity development of last-mile workers using a combination of an easy-to-use self-serve, e-learning service with video content that enables self-learning and capacity assessments plus community interactions with peer coworkers, supervisors, or experts through an online group accessible within their mobile applications, which offers a sustained high-touch support. Such a group enables one to ask or answer questions online, as well as share best practices. Amount of unfunded activities: $227,740

Lorem Ipsum for Digital Health

  • Lorem Ipsum for Digital Health: Lorem Ipsum is fictional data built of anonymized data that is realistic but not real, which would be used to develop dashboards and machine learning. Lorem Ipsum for Digital Health will create a harmonized synthetic data generator for malaria or HIV/AIDS that can be used by software developers, policymakers, and researchers to improve the functionality and data analysis capabilities of DHIS 2, OpenMRS, iHRIS, and related services like OpenInfoMan, Global Open Facility Registry, and more. Amount of unfunded activities: $415,495

Medic Mobile

  • Medic Mobile - Building a Community of Practice: This investment would contribute to improving documentation for configuring and supporting deployments of the Medic Mobile toolkit and creating a community of practice. Amount of unfunded activities: $156,133

Mobile WACh

  • Mobile WACh: Communication Empowering Patients and Health Care Workers: This investment will go towards creating additional features to enable scaled deployments, funding in-country capacity, and creating an organizational home for the tool. Amount of unfunded activities: $582,610

mPowering Frontline Health Worker Initiative

  • Supporting the Establishment of an Organizational Home for the mPowering Frontline Health Workers Initiative: This investment will provide an organizational home for the secretariat of the project to further move the project along and keep it organized. Amount of unfunded activities: $200,000


  • Spatial Decision Support Tool for mapping, microplanning delivery of health interventions (Reveal): This investment will go towards preparing the source code for easy adaptation by users, developing the online portal/entry point for users, and developing documentation for implementers. Amount of unfunded activities: $190,655


  • Building an Open Child Helpline System (OpenCHS) Community of Practice: The Child Helpline System is an open-source case management system that supports reporting and case management of abuse cases of children through various channels of communication including calls, SMS, and CHAT. Proposal to build an OpenCHS Community of Practice to coordinate and consolidate contributions and efforts from various partners through a virtual space for engagement, knowledge sharing, and learning amongst OpenCHS implementers, developers and users. Amount of unfunded activities: $213,410


  • OpenELIS community building through documentation and participation within LIS community of practice: OpenELIS is an open-source electronic laboratory information system software, used to track patient testing, diagnosis, and results communication. Proposal activities will contribute to improved availability of viable open-source LIS that support the quality of laboratory practice in LMICs. Amount of unfunded activities: $204,402


  • Strengthening OpenMRS: This investment will go towards improving the organizational efficiency and responsiveness of the team through hiring resources to lead several core activities to increase community engagement, improve the software in the roadmap, expand user and technical documentation, and to curate and enhance educational curricula and materials. Amount of unfunded activities: $260,960

Open Concept Lab

  • Strengthening OCL Governance, Community, and Features in Preparation for User Growth: This investment will allow for the implementation of a sustained governance model of the Open Concept Lab and allow significant improvements to be made to the usability and functionality of this global good, particularly for a government audience. Amount of unfunded activities: $201,300

Open Data Kit

  • Technology for Health and Disability: making ODK 2.0 accessible: This funding will build upon the previous work on ODK 2.0 to better serve the health community in emerging countries. Specifically, this will go towards user research and to iteratively develop enhancements, additional features, and development guidelines, and test them with key partners before integration into the main ODK 2.0 code. Amount of unfunded activities: $200,000


  • Enhancement of the medicines registration application Pharmadex: Pharmadex is being used by four national medicines regulatory authorities (NMRAs) to ensure they have the most updated medicines available and approved for prescribing. Proposal to add features such as multiple language support, user-configurable logos, and ability for each country to define their own fields and variables to ensure that NMRAs that have requested an application for use can easily adopt Pharmadex for their country contexts. Amount of unfunded activities: $118,738


  • PlanWise's Optimizing geospatial network coverage: PlanWise is an open-source software tool that uses geospatial modeling and optimization techniques to make it simple for an organization to understand whom they are helping and to maximize the efficiency impact of their services. This proposal seeks to formalize and grow the community of implementers, create and deploy a strategy for replication and scaled impact, and extend PlanWise functionality to fill high-priority community-identified gaps. Amount of unfunded activities: $278,126

List of Global Goods projects that are Approved - Partially Funded


  • DHIS2 Community of Practice: The remaining unfunded work will support a full year of the DHIS2 COP to properly establish and institutionalize the CoP into the DHIS2 community. The additional year of funding support will further and solidify the CoP's place in the community, meeting the demands and requirements by having dedicated staff and hence ensuring sustainability. Amount of unfunded activities: $94,175


  • Global Healthsites Mapping Project - Building a curated open data commons of health facility data with OpenStreetMap: The remaining unfunded work includes: Enhancement of the Healthsites API to support the FHIR standard and DHIS2 integration. Development of the Healthsites Location Validation Index (LVI) which assesses the reliability of health facility data based on Trusted User updates. Internationalization and localization of the Healthsites web application. Development of the Healthsites mobile application to enable users to update existing health facility data in OpenStreetMap. Support for campaigns, data creation and sharing in-country by supporting OpenStreetMap communities. Skilling up and training local champions of open health data to use the mobile application.Integration with Whatsapp, SMS and voice-based surveys. Amount of unfunded activities:$62,010


  • Strengthening the Open Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (OpenCRVS) System: The unfunded work accounts for the costs of recruiting two mid-level developers plus international travel to support OpenCRVS work in Bangladesh. This also includes building local capacity to harness OpenHIM and Hearth for OpenCRVS. Amount of unfunded activities: $133,037


  • Integration of the OpenELIS open-source laboratory information system with leading clinical and logistics information systems: OpenELIS is an open-source electronic laboratory information system software used to track patient testing, diagnosis, and results communication.The remaining funded is needed for the workstream activity to merge the OpenELIS Global and Bahmni OpenELIS Code Bases. Amount of unfunded activities: $80,414


  • An Instant OpenHIE: Support for building in clinical use cases that show the instant OpenHIE components working together in a clinical use case. Amount of unfunded activities: $197,324


  • Strengthening and Expanding the Open Health Information Mediator (OpenHIM): The remaining unfunded work is for supporting implementers and the communtity around the core tool. Activities include updating and revisiting the full webpresense of the tool; updating the website and community platform tools; curation for the mediator library and updates to the core and common mediators. Amount of unfunded activities: $185,238


  • openIMIS's open source software for health financing: The investments are in support of the re-platforming and re-architecting of the software to a more modern modular approach as well as adding interoperability interfaces to allow claims submission from systems such as OpenMRS, Bahmni and aggregation in DHIS2. Future investments include AI claims adjudication and enhancement of features to serve a formal sector requirement.


  • Advancing a collaborative, open, and growing community
  • OpenLMIS Community Engagement: The remaining investment would be for further support to the OpenLMIS community including Regaional East and West Africa OpenLMIS workshops, East and West Africa OpenLMIS roadshows, and implementer documentation such as the OpenLMIS toolkit. Additional activities unfunded include community support to encourage open source development on OpenLMIS through programs like Google Summer of Code, Outreachy, and Social Coder.


  • Strengthening the OpenMRS implementer ecosystem through community, quality assurance, education, and partnership: Support for the implementer ecosystem through expanded partnerships in OpenMRS country implementation countries. Support for a toolkit and eLearning materials for implementers. Amount of unfunded activities: $172,365


  • Packaging OpenSRP for Scale and Community-driven National Adoption: The unfunded work is therefore the HR/staffing costs for year two, as well the hosting for the platform, as seen below. It will help continue the activities of managing, coordinating and promoting the CoP in year two. Amount of unfunded activities: $1,143,540

Open Source LIS Community of Practice

  • Building an Open Source LIS Technologies Community of Practice: The remaining investment would be for supporting development of LIS technolgies including software development including coding conventions, and expansion for OpenLab Connect. Portion of unfunded work includes development of LIS technologies. The work also includes support of LIS products to enable interoperability with other systems within the OpenHIE architecture. Amount of unfunded activities: $107,155


  • SORMAS-MI: Surveillance Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System (SORMAS) - Maturity Improvement through Community Engagement, Internationalization and Applicability Enhancement: This investment would go towards hiring a community manager, increasing community engagement, improving the software roadmap, expanding user and technical documentation, curation and enhancement of educational materials, and additional technical development of the SORMAS global good.

List of Global Goods projects that are Approved - Funded

See this page for a list of Digital Square Investments in Global Goods including those that are fully funded.