Open Boxes

Open Boxes

OpenBoxes is a purpose-built open source logistics management information system designed to serve the supply-chain management demands of public health systems.


OpenBoxes is an LMIS system designed for use in health systems. It can be used to track the purchase, shipment, inventory, and delivery of medical or non-medical supplies. OpenBoxes includes lot and expiry tracking and product handling indications for better management of medical products. It also has specific tools designed to manage distribution of medical items within health facilities.


The largest implementation of OpenBoxes is in Haiti, where it is used in 12 government-run hospitals with the support of Partners in Health. Partners in Health also uses the software for supported facilities in 5 additional countries. OpenBoxes has been implemented by the government in the State of Mexico, and is currently being implemented by the MOHSS Dominica for their Central Medical Store. Several small non-profits in the Caribbean and Africa use the software to manage their logistics. Commercial entities also use the software, most notably the Commonwealth Games in the UK.

Countries the tool is currently being used: Africa region - Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, European region - Bulgaria, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Region of the Americas - Dominica, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, United States of America.

The primary users of OpenBoxes are pharmacists and depot managers at hospitals or medical supply warehouses in low-resource settings. These are often users at a central hub that manage warehousing, forecasting, and distribution for a network of smaller health facilities.
