

OpenFn is the leading Digital Public Good for workflow automation. It is used by governments and NGOs in 40+ countries to securely automate business processes, exchange critical information, and achieve interoperability. Integration strengthens existing health systems, and automation decreases the costs (in time & money) and error-rate (by eliminating human-error) of complex, multi-step processes, allowing organizations to focus more of their resources on the critical, human aspects of their work.


OpenFn is a digital public good for workflow automation. It connects any application and enables interoperability and scale by helping organizations standardize and automate the key aspects of their health programs that cut across multiple systems. Implementers use OpenFn to automate business processes or data exchange workflows. When implemented for the health domain, OpenFn can be leveraged for use cases such as syncing medical records between systems, performing data validation steps and complex business logic to trigger different actions in target systems (e.g., sending alerts, making payments, initiating other workflows), or applying health standards (FHIR HL-7) to the data to be exchanged.

While OpenFn end-beneficiaries are the people who get more efficient and effective healthcare thanks to automation on the platform, OpenFn users are health and IT professionals responsible for designing, managing, and delivering technology implementations that facilitate these health interventions.

The technologies may include health information systems, disease surveillance systems, mobile data collection apps, SMS and messaging platforms, payment gateways, analytics tools, and many more tools common in digital health ecosystems.


OpenFn is used by 44+ organizations working across 40 countries, including government ministries in Thailand, Cambodia, and Ethiopia, UNICEF, and dozens of iNGOs. Since its inception in 2014, OpenFn has been designed to comply with open standards, can connect with any application, and provides more than 60 out-of-box adaptors to simplify integration with critical digital public goods like DHIS2, CommCare, Kobo Toolbox, ODK, OpenMRS, RapidPro and many more.
