OpenCRVS is open-source software solution for civil registration designed specifically for use in low resource contexts.


The core function of OpenCRVS is to formally record the occurrence and characteristics of all vital events. It does this through a process of notification (from the health facility), declaration of the vital event by the informant, validation of the submitted data with supporting documentation, registering the event and issuing a certificate (e.g., birth certificate) by authorized actors. The system also allows the export of vital statistics data for further analysis and the compilation of statistical reports e.g., disaggregated by age, sex and location. Of specific interest to health are the registration of birth and death, including the manner and cause of death.


  • Nigeria: Phase 1 of eCRVS digital transformation with OpenCRVS commenced in 2022.
  • Cameroon: Phase 1 of eCRVS transformation programme using OpenCRVS commenced in 2022.
  • Niue: Successful proof of concept in 2021. Getting approval for rollout.
  • Mauritius: local SI has secured eCRVS contract and is proposing use of OpenCRVS to fulfil requirements. Project starts 2023.
  • Madagascar: 2022 proof of concept commenced.

OpenCRVS is used by Civil Registrars, registration officers, statisticians, community health workers and community leaders.
