Global Goods Community

Digital Square is expanding engagement and support to all approved global good implementers through our Notice cycles as well as our request for application (RFA)s (non-Notice cycle awards). In March 2019, we began offering monthly Global Good Webinars for the global good innovator community. The topics of the webinars range from technical, operational, and communications topics. Digital Square intends for these webinars to be an opportunity for the community to share, learn, and engage both with each other as well as the Peer Review Committee members, who are also invited to these webinars.

Global Good Webinars

April 30, 2020 | Private Sector Digital Adaptations for COVID-19 Response

In this webinar, leaders from the Digital Impact Alliance, Facebook, mClinica, Microsoft, and Tableau shared how to leverage private sector tools and technologies to strengthen health systems in COVID-19 response efforts.

April 7, 2020 | Managing the Global COVID-19 Pandemic with Health Informatics

This webinar, in partnership with AMIA, shares informatics responses and challenges within the COVID-19 pandeimc.

March 30, 2020 | Global Goods Adaptation for COVID-19 Response

This webinar features a set of Digital Square-approved digital health global goods that have adapted their technologies to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

March 26, 2020 | Re-utilizing PEPFAR Investments during the COVID-19 Response

This webinar showcases how PEPFAR investments can be re-utilized in the COVID-19 response. During this session, we will feature a mix of digital tools including DATIM, Patient Level Monitoring, and the Global Open Facility Registry, and how they can be harnessed in the COVID-19 global response.

February 27, 2020 | Decision Support Systems and Supply Chain

This webinar features an introduction to Decision Support Systems (DSS)and the role they have in public health supply chains.

January 31, 2020 | Global Good Sustainability

This webinar will explore why sustainability continues to be so important for open source tools and what funding models exist that can support global goods.

October 30, 2019 | Technical Highlights Across Our Community

This webinar featured updates from OpenMRS Quality Assurance (Jan Flowers, Christine Gichuki, Jen Antilla), Reveal (Annie Martin), and OpenCRVS (Annina Wersun and Ryan Crichton).

September 26, 2019 | WHO-UNFPA Accelerator Kits and Secondary Data Usage

The webinar covered the new WHO-UNFPA Accelerator Kits and Computable Guidelines.

July 25, 2019 | HL7 FHIR

The webinar featured a technical discussion of global goods who are using FHIR standards.

June 27, 2019 | Advocacy, Resource Mobilization and the Global Goods Guidebook

This webinar featured strategies for using [Digital Square Investments in Global Goods:Approved Global Goods |approved global good status] in resource mobilization and advocacy efforts. Isaac Holeman from Medic Mobile presented on their journey as part of the global good community as an approved global good that has not yet received funding. Finally, the webinar featured Digital Square's [Global Goods Guidebook].

May 22, 2019 | Dotting the I’s and Crossing the T’s for Operational Excellence

This webinar featured the operational basket of services Digital Square offers to partners. Jackie Clark provided an overview of resources, share tips and best practices. We also heard from Craig Appl at Ona about their experience working with our operations team at Digital Square, and some of the value he and his team has seen in going through the Open Application Process and Notice cycle.

March 20, 2019 | Community Engagement

This webinar featured a recap of the global good implementers meeting from December and expand on the basket of services both Digital Square and DIAL are paving the way to offer to partners. Amanda BenDor, Carl Leitner and Jake Watson presented on these topics. The second half of the webinar highlighted the work University of Oslo and PSI are doing through the new DHIS2 community of practice.

A few resources were shared during the webinar chat, including:

Global Goods Community Newsletter

Each quarter, Digital Square shines the spotlight on global goods and innovators in our community.

Global Goods Implementers Meeting

Digital Square hosts annual meetings of the Global Goods Innovators community.