Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the process to move green-lit concept notes forward?
- How is the Governance Board composed?
- Where can I find written resources explaining components? (Such as the Tech Registry).
- Where can I view the key contacts for each organization?
- What are the next steps for Amber and Green-lit proposals that currently do not have funding?
- Will Amber-lit proposals be revisited?
- What is the timeline for releasing the opportunity for the second FR workstream?
- Are vendors and consortia submitting new proposals now/in the near future or is the focus solely on existing concept notes?
- When the (dhi) is ready for new proposals, will you release guidelines or templates on how to make them?
- Are you expecting buy-in from specific countries?
- Have you considered leveraging HingX for the registry of products/tools?
- What vehicles exist for funding of common goods that arenât currently on the short list?
- Is there an opportunity for existing green-lit concept notes to split into separate groups to work on micro-projects that fall under the main concept note?
- What is the best way to engage with (dhi) on Amber lit concept notes? What is the best way to update (dhi) on the status of these projects?
- When proposing new concept notes, should this be done as a team or as individuals?
- When are the concepts for GOFR and Empty Box due?
- Can new concept notes within the groups include new partners or are only original partners eligible to participate in proposals?
- If you did not participate in the original Empty Box concept note, is it too late to be a partner? Should I create a separate note?
- Is there feedback given on notes that should be reviewed before the community calls?
- What will the process be to ensure alignment and avoid duplicate HIS investment for concept notes that will be re-reviewed for relevance?
- Does funding for BAA concept notes come from PATH or USAID?
- Will contracts be with PATH?