Digital Square Global Goods

Revision as of 14:31, 14 February 2023 by <bdi>SBochaberi</bdi> (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The following is a list of the global goods that form the global goods community categorized by the different types of global goods. ===Software=== A mature digital health software global good is software that is Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), is supported by a strong community, has a clear governance structure, is funded by multiple sources, has been deployed at significant scale, is used across multiple countries, has demonstrated effectiveness, is designe...")
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The following is a list of the global goods that form the global goods community categorized by the different types of global goods.


A mature digital health software global good is software that is Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), is supported by a strong community, has a clear governance structure, is funded by multiple sources, has been deployed at significant scale, is used across multiple countries, has demonstrated effectiveness, is designed to be interoperable, and is an emergent standard application.

Under this category, we have 36 global goods that are part of the global goods community.

Android FHIR SDK GNU Health OpenCR OpenSRP
Bahmni Iaso OpenCRVS Product Catalog Management Tool
CommCare iHRIS OpenELIS Global RapidPro
Community Health Toolkit mHero OpenFn Reveal
Digital Infrastructure for Verifiable Open Credentialing (DIVOC) ODK OpenHexa SanteMPI
[Everwell Hub] [Open Clinic GA] OpenIMIS Tamanu
[Geoprism Registry] Open Concept Lab OpenLMIS Tupaia
[Global Open Facility Registry] OpenBoxes OpenMRS Vxnaid

1. Android FHIR SDK 2. Bahmni 3. CommCare 4. Community Health Toolkit 5. Digital Infrastructure for Verifiable open Credentialing (DIVOC)* 6. DHIS2 7. Everwell Hub 8. Geoprism Registry* 9. Global Open Facility Registry 10. GNU Health* 11. Iaso* 12. iHRIS 13. MHero 14. ODK 15. OpenEyes* 16. Open Clinic GA* 17. Open Concept Lab 18. OpenBoxes 19. OpenCR 20. OpenCRVS 21. OpenELIS Global 22. OpenFn 23. OpenHexa* 24. OpenHIM 25. OpenIMIS 26. OpenLMIS 27. OpenMRS 28. OpenSRP 29. Product Catalog Management Tool (PCMT) 30. RapidPro* 31. Reveal 32. SanteMPI 33. SORMAS 34. Tamanu 35. Tupaia* 36. Vxnaid*

Digital Square has developed a software maturity model to help track the changes in the community.


A mature digital health content global good is a content artifact that is freely accessible (having no financial or other barrier to access) and is published under an open license,  is supported by an anchor organization/strong community, serves a well bounded health domain, is utilized at scale, is used across multiple countries, has demonstrated effectiveness, and is seen as an emergent standard content artifact.

Respective global goods and the accompanying maturity model to be updated after the completion of Notice G1. Check back again soon.


A mature digital health service global good is service that is freely accessible (having no financial or other barrier to access), is supported by an anchor organization/strong community, have a clear governance structures, is utilized at scale, is used across multiple countries, has demonstrated effectiveness, is designed to be interoperable, and is an emergent standard service.

Respective global goods and the accompanying maturity model to be updated after the completion of Notice G2. Ccheck back again soon.