Digital Square Investments in Global Goods

Current Investments

  • Bahmni
  • eIDSR
  • Global Open Facility Registry (GOFR)
  • iHRIS Foundation
  • OpenLMIS A consortium comprising VillageReach, JSI and iHub (Kenya) will develop the features identified during the recent gap analysis work. The consortium seeks to provide the following outcomes:
    1. Provide feature parity between TZM eLMIS and OpenLMISv3 to the greatest degree possible within funding limits, thereby enabling a cost-effective and efficient path for existing eLMIS countries to upgrade to v3.x
    2. Add compelling new features and enhancements to existing and new modules using the improved architecture for new country adoption
    3. Grow the OpenLMIS community by developing Africa-based resources that can eventually serve as software development and implementation partners, regional support centers and code schools.
    4. Support the OpenLMIS community by continuing to support the Core team providing fundamental support to the community and facilitate the governance, product and technical committees.

Past Investments

  • OpenLMIS In the spring of 2017, Digital Square supported JSI to conduct a gap analysis between the functionality present in eLMIS and that in OpenLMIS 3.x to ensure that countries wishing to adopt OpenLMIS 3.x have an upgrade path. Identified functional gaps were prioritized based on country needs.