Digital Square on FHIR: Difference between revisions

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===FHIR-side Chat 10===  
===FHIR-side Chat 10===  

This session provides a brief introduction round to FHIR. Further, there are discussions on how to promote FHIR adoption in Africa, the strategic pushes behind FHIR, and much more.
This session provides a brief introduction round to FHIR. Further, there are discussions on how to promote FHIR adoption in Africa, the strategic pushes behind FHIR, and much more.
*[ Watch the recording]
*[ Discussion ideas contributed to the Google Doc]

===FHIR-side Chat 11===  
===FHIR-side Chat 11===  

Revision as of 11:22, 23 January 2023

FHIR Training

Digital Square's FHIR-focused webinar series provides guidance to help digital health developers, innovators, digital public goods and global goods developers, and implementers better understand how to use FHIR to address specific use cases, such as technical guidance for COVID-19 vaccination certificates. This work also increases the maturity of FHIR through the use and feedback to HL7 through their collaborative process.

Digital Square hosts monthly webinars to enhance digital health's capacity. The FHIR training material on this site is designed for digital health leaders with some or limited prior experience and knowledge of FHIR. All sessions are recorded and shared here.

FHIR Foundational Series

These sessions provide a comprehensive review of the fundamentals of FHIR, how it works, and supports interoperability in healthcare. These sessions are helpful for beginners who want to become familiar with FHIR. Look out for French and Spanish webinars coming soon.

FHIR 101 Refresher

This kick-off webinar reviews the basics of FHIR, including the overall approach, information models, and the relationship between FHIR and other standards. It also provides key pointers for participants to seek further information and engage with the rest of the FHIR community.

FHIR Profiling & Documentation

This webinar explores the basics for creating and documenting a FHIR specification for a project, a country, or an individual application. Additionally, the components of a FHIR specification and how specifications can be documented to accelerate delivery through validation, testing, and automation. Learn how FHIR specifications can be extended and constrained to support specific needs. Additionally, learn some of the basic FHIR features around localization and multi-language, which become more critical when implementing FHIR profiles.

FHIR and Terminology

This session introduces FHIR® support for terminologies: Standard (global) terminologies like SNOMED CT, LOINC, or local terminologies (for example, national codes) vs. project-specific terminologies. Learn about FHIR resources for terminologies, how they are used in the other FHIR resources, how to define new terminology resources, and how to localize the value sets.

FHIR Implementation Guide

This is a practical workshop-like session to create a FHIR specification publication. Using open-source tools, here is a step-by-step guide to creating a publication of an Implementation Guide in the most fundamental aspects: Setting up a (shared) repository, adding FHIR® conformance resources (e.g., profiles, extensions, value sets), importing dependencies from other specifications, adding narrative text and diagrams, and using a shorthand language to accelerate the work. The goal is to help you create your first FHIR Implementation Guide!

FHIR Webinars Series

These next-level webinars deep dive into the world of FHIR and set up conversations for the more complex aspects of FHIR. These webinars cover various implementation aspects and showcase some exciting work that the Digital Square global goods innovators have already done. These sessions are helpful to those with prior experience in implementing FHIR.

FHIR Search Framework

This session explains the core search mechanisms and explores their application in practice, from basic to advanced searching - text searching, composite search criteria, chained search, and much more. Learn how to document and enhance your search specifications beyond the FHIR core search possibilities.

Case Reporting using FHIR in questionnaires

This webinar explores the common needs for a case reporting system. Using an example specification, we explain how to implement the entire stack of case reporting using FHIR specifications and tools. Gain insights into how available case reporting specifications can be adapted to your specific case or region.

FHIR Exchange: REST, Documents, and Messaging

This session examines and compares the main data exchange paradigms and introduces ways of implementing FHIR resources using RESTful architecture, Document-based architecture (including IHE's mobile health document sharing), and Messaging architecture.

Extracting and Managing Analytics using FHIR

Learn how FHIR mechanisms work with data analytics in this session, from extraction and segmentation to visualization.

Introduction to Android FHIR Software Development Kit

Learn about Android FHIR SDK, a mobile-first healthcare application using FHIR resources on Android. We will delve into FHIR Engine Library and the Structured Data Capture Library and then use this information to build a real-world application using an example specification and the SDK's Structured Data Capture Library.

Layering and Reusing FHIR Implementation Guides

This session explores how FHIR Implementation Guides can use the inheritance and packaging mechanisms of FHIR. Inheritance enables the acquisition of data members and properties from one class to another. We examine how existing Implementation Guides can be adapted and reused for different types of data members and combined for more complex data collection. Learn from practical examples showcasing the inheritance of Implementation Guides and explore its impact on FHIR specification.

Building on FHIR, OpenHIM COVID-19 Data Exchange

Digital Square hosts a panel discussion with Jembi Health Systems NPC to discuss their approach and experience working with HL7 FHIR on a COVID-19 data exchange project. We discuss their approach in working with FHIR implementation guides, the FHIR profiling process, the use of FHIR Structured Data Capture within the existing OpenHIM platform, the challenges, and lessons learned. In addition, we discuss the types of skills the team needed to develop and how they used generic tools to fill gaps in the FHIR approach.

FHIR-side Chats

These chats, facilitated by FHIR experts, are an informal, monthly user group conversation for the digital health community to get together and share their experiences with FHIR. These sessions are audience-led conversations on anything FHIR, from user experience stories, challenges, and solutions to building FHIR together.

FHIR-side Chat 1

Digital Square kicks off its first fire-side chat on FHIR, providing a virtual roundtable to connect, learn and share insights on using FHIR. This session dives into FHIR formats, device properties and data archiving, how to maximize data flow across systems, and so much more. Check out this google doc to see all questions submitted by participants and discussed in this session. In addition, our FHIR expert recommends joining the FHIR open community for real-time engagement. Create an account today to connect with him and the wider FHIR community.

FHIR-side Chat 2

This session provides information on how to use FHIR suitable for beginners. Here, our FHIR expert walkthrough a prescription project showcasing how FHIR is integrated into a health project, alongside guidance on engaging technical and non-technical project stakeholders. It also tackles challenges faced by beginners. In addition, this session touches on FHIR Profiling and Documentation and the FHIR Implementation guide. For more detailed info, check out the FHIR Foundational series.

FHIR-side Chat 3

This session covers sources of FHIR training materials and additional resources on FHIR to help you become proficient. It also covers FHIR implementation with helpful tips on starting your implementation journey and FHIR designations. For more information on the FHIR implementation guide, check out this webinar and the slides here.

FHIR-side Chat 4

This informal session provides an opportunity to discuss FHIR basics and more advanced topics with Digital Square's FHIR Standards and Interoperability expert.

FHIR-side Chat 5

This webinar is part of the "FHIR-side Chat" series, which are audience-led conversations on using HL7 FHIR.

FHIR-side Chat 6

This webinar is part of the "FHIR-side Chat" series, which are audience-led conversations on using HL7 FHIR.

FHIR-side Chat 7

This webinar is part of the "FHIR-side Chat" series, which are audience-led conversations on using HL7 FHIR.

FHIR-side Chat 8

This webinar is part of the "FHIR-side Chat" series, which are audience-led conversations on using HL7 FHIR.

FHIR-side Chat 9

This webinar is part of the "FHIR-side Chat" series, which are audience-led conversations on using HL7 FHIR.

FHIR-side Chat 10

This session provides a brief introduction round to FHIR. Further, there are discussions on how to promote FHIR adoption in Africa, the strategic pushes behind FHIR, and much more.

FHIR-side Chat 11

Building on basic FHIR knowledge, this session delves into FHIR specification and implementation guides. Our FHIR expert takes the audience through how to create implementation guides and showcases published implementation guidelines and so much more. To learn more, check out the FHIR specification and Implementation guides.

FHIR-side Chat 12

This session discusses FHIR and interoperability in healthcare. It dives into the capabilities of FHIR, how FHIR works with terminologies and analytics, FHIR documentation, and how the use of FHIR supports meeting business needs. Check out these detailed webinars for more information on FHIR terminology and FHIR documentation.

FHIR-side Chat 13=== This session responds to queries on FHIR bulk data extracts from Electronic Health Records with information on multiple patients designed to meet various use cases to support requirements separating functional and technical requirements. This fire-sidefireside chat also covers how technologists can engage high-level audiences, such as the ministry of health leaders, on FHIR adoption, its benefits, and so much more.