Mapping of Global Goods: Difference between revisions

(Created page with "The global goods mapping tool is a data-driven visualization that highlights countries with global good deployments and shows the number of global goods in use. '' To view a...")
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To view a list of global goods deployed in a particular country, hover over the circle. Alternatively, select one or more global goods in the filter on the right to see where they have been deployed.''
To view a list of global goods deployed in a particular country, hover over the circle. Alternatively, select one or more global goods in the filter on the right to see where they have been deployed.''

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Revision as of 11:02, 13 July 2022

The global goods mapping tool is a data-driven visualization that highlights countries with global good deployments and shows the number of global goods in use. To view a list of global goods deployed in a particular country, hover over the circle. Alternatively, select one or more global goods in the filter on the right to see where they have been deployed.